Future Living Berlin Future Living Berlin Future Living is a smart-home-concept of the Berlin architects UGK. How do…
links.rechts.hier. – When Feeling Decides links.rechts.hier. - When Feeling Decides "links.rechts.hier. - When feeling decides" is a journalistic e-book edition…
BMW/ifmo_brics-countries The Future of Driving in the BRICS Countries Applying basic relationships in context of car…
Leipzig Music Trails Leipzig Music Trails Together with the designagency Buero Huennerkopf i took part of a competition…
BMW/ifmo_De-urbanization? De-Urbanization? What are the most pressing problems cities are facing with regard to transport? What…
Corporate Design BMW-Analytics! Corporate Design BMW-Analytics! Analytics! is a BMW working group doing inhouse-analytics...I did the complete corporate…
BMW/ifmo_Autonomous Driving Autonomous Driving This book is a report about the impact of vehicle automation on mobility…
Ifmo Corporate Design Ifmo Corporate Design The ifmo (Institute for Mobility Research) is a research facility of the…
BMW/ifmo_The emerging travel patterns of older adults The emerging travel patterns of older adults People older than 65 years are increasingly mobile.…
Nibs churros and cacao Nibs Churros and Cacao Nibs is a pop-up churro and cacao bistro in Munich. Together…